
Special report on sales conference in the third quarter of 2019
Time flies, time flies. More than half of 2019 has passed. With the end of this golden autumn season, at 9:00 am on October 10, 2019, the third quarter sales meet...
Wish our motherland a happy 70th birthday!
Motherland, my motherland I want to write a poem for you Praise you for the long history of five thousand years of civilization Praise yo...
Love is a journey of the soul
Love is eternal, she is true, pure and sensible, she lives forever in the palace of our souls. Full of joy, the long-awaited 205th Spiritual Journey, ...
The people of Perfect have worked hard for fifteen years and will continue to pursue their dreams in the next fifteen years-------Happy birthday to Fifteenth Anniversary of Perfect
On July 23, 2004, we established Nanjing Perfect Machinery Co., Ltd. On July 23, 2019, we celebrated the 15th birthday of Nanjing Perfect Machinery Co., Ltd. ...